A boy and dad passion for action figures.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Flea Market Hunting: X-Men

During one of our last trip at the flea market we found lots of great action figures! First one was Pyro. He is part of the X-Men universe and even appeared in two of the live action film.

Pyro is a mutant who possesses the power to psionically control fire and flame, though not generate it. He wears a flame thrower on his back to provide the flame which he then takes control of.

This is a very cool figure released a few years ago by Toy Biz as part of the X-Men Classics Battle Pack: Fire and Ice.

On a side note... as you might have noticed, there is no update on the Montreal Comic Con. Why? After waiting in line for 2 hours we were told that there was no more place left inside! The saddest part... trying to explain why to my four years old.

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